(EN) Applying for a student visa to Spain

Kosten für die Erbringung der Dienstleistung
(EN) €600
Eine Frage stellen zum Spezialisten Alegria
Anna Zakharenko Büroleiter

Специалисты нашей компании подробно проконсультируют вас по всем вопросам, касательно того, как получить студенческую визу в Испанию, помогут собрать пакет документов, необходимый для получения студенческого ВНЖ, учитывая как законодательные требования Испании, так и вашей страны. Помимо этого, они переведут ваши документы на испанский язык, помогут записаться на прием в Консульство, и будут сопровождать вас в течение всего процесса оформления.

Мы оказываем помощь в сборе документов для студенческой визы в Испанию и ее оформлении для школьников и студентов, которые собираются на учебу. Этот тип ВНЖ доступен и взрослым, обучающимся на языковых курсах или получающим дополнительное профессиональное образование. Получение студенческой визы в Испании необходимо каждому студенту, который планирует находиться на территории страны дольше 180 дней.

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf EN, RU, ES, PL und UA verfügbar.

(EN) What does the service for obtaining a student visa to Spain include?

  1. (EN) detailed consultation: we’ll tell you what documents you need to collect;
  2. (EN) checking the collected documents;
  3. (EN) consular fee is not included in the price;
  4. (EN) registration at the Consulate for the purpose of submitting documents, upon arrival in Spain - registration with the migration authorities;
  5. (EN) instructions for paying the state fee required to issue a student card;
  6. (EN) obtaining a ready-made student residence permit.

(EN) For questions about obtaining a student visa to Spain, leave a request on the website

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Anna Zakharenko


(EN) To obtain a student visa to Spain, you must choose to study at an accredited educational institution - the language school must be accredited by the Instituto Cervantes. The training program must be full-time and lead to a diploma or certificate upon completion of the course. The Alegria company will select for you a suitable educational institution that meets all the requirements of the consulate for FREE.

(EN) For those who are interested in the latest changes in the rules for obtaining a student visa to Spain: the list of documents for 2020 does not differ from those relevant in previous years. Read about what documents are requiredhere. Particular attention is paid to a correctly composed motivation letter - our company will help you approach its writing competently and take into account all the necessary requests. We will select a licensed language school that meets the requirements of the consulate for free.

(EN) Moving to Spain on a student visa is one of the most popular immigration methods. A student visa is an analogue of a residence permit without the right to work and allows its holder to remain for permanent residence in the country in the future. We wrote about moving to Spain on a student visa in this article.

(EN) Previously, the parents of a minor child who moved to Spain on a student visa had the opportunity to obtain the so-called. escort visa. Currently, this opportunity, unfortunately, is not available. If there is a need for the presence of a parent, he/she is issued a separate student visa (for example, on the basis of studying in a language course). We wrote about the necessary documents and requirements for obtaining a student visahere.

(EN) Student visa to Spain can be issued for up to 180 days and for a year.


The first visa is short-term, it is issued quite simply and does not require a large package of documents. A short-term visa cannot be extended in Spain.


The situation is completely different with the second visa - an annual one. In Spain it is often called a “student residence”, because... it gives the right to reside in the country for a year with the possibility of extension (of course, subject to certain requirements). You can read about how this procedure occurs and what documents are required in this article.

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