When talking about the authorization to extend the stay for studies, we find certain cases in which a foreigner from outside the European Union will reside in Spain legally for more than 90 days but will not do so with a regular residence authorization, but through a period of stay.
We are talking about cases in which the foreigner:
- Comes to study or carry out any type of training activity in Spain.
- Will carry out non-labor practices in the country.
- Resides to develop research tasks.
- Comes to complete a volunteer.
The legal residence of these foreigners is given through a stay visa, which extends for a maximum period of one year or until the end of the activity they came to do (in most cases the academic year).
On many occasions, this activity lasts more than 1 or 2 years, as in the case of university degrees that usually last 4 years, so the foreigner must renew their right to legally reside in the country.
At that time you must extend your stay for studies, and this procedure will allow you to stay in Spain for another year. This is true both for the main applicant and for the relatives who came with the applicant.
Below we will explain everything you need to know to request the renewal or extension of your stay for studies in Spain and thus be able to continue with your studies.
Requirements for extension of your Student Visa in Spain
When renewing your stay for studies it should not be a complicated process, but for it to be so you must meet a series of fundamental requirements:
General requirements
- Not having the entry prohibited to Spain.
- Be a citizen of a third state (outside the European Union).
- Have sufficient financial means (€600 per month that you are in Spain).
- Have private health insurance.
In addition, we must also meet three requirements that are of great importance for this renewal.
- Demonstrate a use of the studies:
This means that in order to renew your student visa you will have to prove that you have taken advantage of the period of your previous stay. Therefore, you must provide the documentation that shows that you have approved the course or studies you were studying.
- Have a confirmed place in the educational center:
You will not be able to renew your stay unless you have a confirmed enrollment or place at the institution or educational center where you intend to continue studying.
- Studies must be related:
On the other hand, you should make sure that the studies you are going to do are closely related to those you did with your initial visa and are part of the same area of knowledge.
How do you request the extension?
The interested student himself is the one who must initiate the procedure (or through his representative) at the Immigration Office of the place where he is going to carry out his studies. This can be done in person, by appointment or online.
The presentation of the application will extend the validity of the previous authorization until the resolution of the procedure. Once our request is received, the Office has a period of 3 months to give us a response.
If the resolution is positive, the stay will be extended for the duration of the new studies or training.
In addition, the student must go to the National Police Force with the resolution to request their new card (TIE).
Documentation to renew the student card
In general, copies of the documents must be provided and the originals must be shown at the time of submitting the application.
- Official model application form (EX – 00) in duplicate, duly completed and signed by the foreigner or their legal representative in case of being a minor.
- Valid passport or travel title.
- Documentation accrediting having the necessary economic means for the period requested and for the return to the country of origin.
In case of underage students, authorization from parents or guardians stating the center, organization, entity and body responsible for the activity and the period of stay planned. - Documentation accrediting having health insurance.
- Documentation accrediting meeting the specific requirements regarding the activity for which you were authorized to remain in Spain.
- In this case, supporting documentation of having passed the tests and continuing with studies, research or training, non-labor practices or volunteer service.
When documents from other countries are provided, they must be translated into Spanish or the co-official language of the territory where the application is submitted.