Supermarkets in Spain have evolved enormously in recent years, going from being a place to buy basic foods to becoming a center for leisure and entertainment. Technological advances have allowed supermarkets to offer better shopping experience, with a greater variety of products, innovative services and competitive prices. This has helped to improve the quality of life of Spaniards, providing them with more direct and convenient access to food and other products necessary for their daily lives.

Therefore, below, we will explain how the supermarket industry has changed over time and what impact it has had on the Spanish market:

Expansion policies of supermarkets in Spain

In recent years, supermarket chains in Spain have experienced great expansion, opening numerous stores throughout the country. Competition between major companies is becoming more intense as they try to gain greater market share. This has led to an aggressive expansion policy, with new stores opening in areas where there was no presence of these establishments before. This has led to an increase in employment and investment in the sector, which has benefited both the Spanish commercial and economic sectors.

Sales evolution

The main supermarket chains in Spain have a very defined policy regarding the product offered to their customers. This policy is based on offering fresh and healthy products, in addition to having a wide assortment to satisfy all customer needs. There is also significant emphasis placed on offering promotions and discounts for those products that are within the price range desired by consumers.

How supermarkets are changing the Spanish economy

Supermarkets have had a significant impact on the Spanish economy in recent years. Its expansion has generated a constant flow of direct and indirect jobs, as well as greater investments in infrastructure for the distribution and sale of the product. This translates into a greater monetary flow between the Spanish commercial and productive sectors, which contributes to the general economic growth of the country – in addition, with the arrival of electronic commerce, many companies have begun to design their online strategies to compete successfully in this new digital environment.

This year 2024, the amount of shopping baskets has increased by 2.9% due to inflation, according to the latest report from the OCU (Organization of Consumers and Users. But we must keep in mind that spending has not stopped increasing since 2021. In 2021 it had already increased by almost 13% and, in 2022, more than 12%. This translates into an average cost of 6,342 euros per year. According to the OCU, we can reduce this average cost if we buy. in cheap supermarkets, since the savings could be more than 1,270 euros if we know our options well.

That is why it is so important to find a supermarket where you can save, and this is what the latest annual OCU study did. In this, the organization analyzes prices from 1,070 supermarkets in 65 Spanish cities.

The cheapest supermarkets in Spain according to the OCU

The cheapest supermarket chains to buy in 2024 are almost all regional and local: Dani and Super Carmela in Andalusia, Deza in Córdoba and Tifer in Castilla y León.

They are followed by Más Ahorro, Family Cash and Alcampo at the national level. The cheapest supermarket in 2024 is the Alcampo de la Diagonal in Barcelona; followed by other Alcampos such as Avenida de Madrid in Vigo and Murcia.

The most expensive supermarkets in Spain according to the OCU

On the opposite side of the ranking we find the Sánchez Romero chain, the most expensive to purchase according to this annual analysis. They are followed by Altoaragón, Amazon, Hiber and Suma.

Cheapest and most expensive Sapnish cities to shop in

There are large geographical differences when making the purchase and the OCU has analyzed them. In their study they have discovered that the towns with the cheapest shopping baskets are Zamora and Teruel, Jerez, Lugo and Vigo. Last year Córdoba was the cheapest, but it is no longer among the cheapest.

In the opposite case are Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Palma de Mallorca, Madrid and Getxo.

Cities with the most possibility of savings when making a purchase

As we mentioned previously, choosing a cheaper chain means, after a year, savings that can exceed 1,270 euros. However, there are big differences between cities.

The maximum savings are achieved in Madrid (€4,148), followed by Barcelona (€2,738), Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Alcobendas-San Sebastián de los Reyes and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (over €1,800 annually).

On the opposite, the cities where it is most difficult to save are Ciudad Real (€315), Soria, Getxo, Cuenca or Puertollano where savings do not exceed 550 euros per year. Although it is not because they are more expensive, but because the prices are more homogeneous.

The most expensive products when purchasing

The leading role in the price increase has been taken, throughout the year, by the increase in virgin olive oil, which has been noticeable since May 2022. What has increased in price the most are fresh products, with a 4 .1% increase.

The rise in prices in Spanish supermarkets in 2024

For the first time in several years, not all supermarkets have raised their prices. Carrefour Express, Lidl and Aldi have reduced their prices. Curiously, Carrefour Express was one of those that increased prices the most in 2023.

Among the largest chains, El Corte Inglés, Hipercor, Supercor and BM Urban are the ones that have increased prices the most; Yes, the increases are lower than in previous years, where they reached up to a 15% increase in prices.

Inflation remains there, but it seems to be slowing down a bit. So, we will have to see what happens throughout the year, but it is evident that the shopping basket does not stop rising, even if it is more slowly, and we all notice this in our pockets.

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